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A motivated team is a team that provides the best care possible for your patients. That’s why it’s so important to keep your team members involved and to set goals for them to work toward.
A motivated team is a team that provides the best care possible for your patients. That’s why it’s so important to keep your team members involved and to set goals for them to work toward.
Start small; you want the goal to be achievable. Maybe aim to increase daily production by 10% or attract 5 new patients that month, suggested Penny Reed Limoli, owner of the Reed Limoli Group. Give an incentive to help motivate team members to reach whatever goal you set.
Not only will these type of goals help grow your practice, patients will notice the difference in your team. Making sure your team members have goals to work toward will help keep them focused on providing optimal care, and when that happens everyone benefits.
Your patients are your practice. Without them, where would you be? You have to know the best ways to attract them to your practice, get them to accept treatment and make them happy, life-long patients.
That’s where we can help. Check back regularly for tips on how to keep your patients happy, healthy and loyal.
The DPR Patient Tip of the Day is sponsored by Instrumentarium Dental, manufacturer of high-end systems and solutions for dental and maxillofacial imaging. Visit Instrumentariumdental.com to learn about the company's full line of imaging solutions, including the ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH®OP300.