VOCO introduces Meron Plus QM

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VOCO introduces Meron Plus QM, a paste-to-paste resin-modified glass ionomer cement in VOCO’s QuickMix syringe.

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Reportedly featuring almost twice the adhesive value than the leading brand, Meron Plus QM’s ability to accept a tack-cure (five to 10 seconds) is said to enable quick and easy cleanup of excess material. Its QuickMix Syringe and paste-to-paste formulization are engineered to ensure easy delivery. Its significantly higher adhesive values to both dentin and high-strength ceramics is said to provide a secure and reliable hold even in unfavorable conditions such as those encountered with short cores.

Read more: VOCO releases Admira Fusion x-base

The adjustable working time of up to two minutes offers sufficient time for the cementation of both individual restorations and bridges.

For more information, visit vocoamerica.com.
