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Vista Dental Products recently introduced a new patent-pending EDTA-based formula called SmearOff™, which reportedly effectively removes smear layer and also kills bacteria.
SmearOFF formula is enhanced with Chlorhexidine, and, unlike other mixes, is compatible with Sodium Hypochlorite; eliminating steps and saving time with each procedure.
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SmearOFF reportedly removes significantly more canal debris compared to standard 17% EDTA, and leaves the root canal surface cleaner by opening a greater percentage of dentin tubules. Additionally, SmearOFF™ provides the added benefit of killing root canal bacteria. In addition, SmearOFF offers enhanced chelation and cleansing, effective smear layer removal and kills 99.9% of bacteria in 10 seconds*.
More information is available by calling 877-418-4782 or visiting vista-dental.com.
*Independently confirmed by Nelson Labs; time kill study protocol #STP0158.2
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