Webinar: Learn the real value of 3D printing in the dental lab

dlpmagazine.com-2014-08-01, Issue 8

Being able to quickly print out models, surgical guides, anatomical models, partial denture frameworks and more, can save you valuable time and money.

Being able to quickly print out models, surgical guides, anatomical models, partial denture frameworks and more, can save you valuable time and money.

Additionally, Mark C. Jackson, RDT, of Precision Ceramics and Jeff Youngerman, CDT, of Stratasys 3D printing say having the ability to accurately print out verification jigs approved for in-mouth use gives you the ability to check on fit, form and function before approving the final product.

The use of 3D printing in the dental lab is a more vital tool than ever before.

Want to learn more? You can learn more about the benefits of 3D printing in the dental lab with this live webinar at 2 p.m. EST Wednesday, Sept. 10, with Mark C. Jackson, RDT, of Precision Ceramics and Jeff Youngerman, CDT, of Stratasys 3D printing.

What you'll learn from the live webinar presentation:

  • How 3D printing works in the laboratory setting.

  • The many ways in which 3D printing can help streamline work flow in the lab.

  • What does it take to maintain a 3D printer?

  • What applications work best with the Stratasys EDEN260V.


Webinar sponsored by Stratasys