Virtual XD VPS impression materials offer accurate, better fitting restorations, Issue 10

The Virtual® XD system of VPS impression materials reportedly offers optimized flow characteristics for deeper penetration to the sulcus; enhanced preparation coverage; exceptional wetting ability for precise hard and soft tissue reproduction; and greater tear strength that maintains marginal integrities and fine detail after removal.

The Virtual® XD system of VPS impression materials reportedly offers optimized flow characteristics for deeper penetration to the sulcus; enhanced preparation coverage; exceptional wetting ability for precise hard and soft tissue reproduction; and greater tear strength that maintains marginal integrities and fine detail after removal.

Plus, the system’s “Xtra-Definition” wash materials reduce the need for retakes, creating more accurate and better fitting restorations.

Additionally, the system includes a new automatic material mixer for 380ml cartridges that features a designated mixing program as well as two mixing speeds for void-free mixes.  Plus, Virtual XD includes mint-scented tray and wash material in normal setting times, as well as a wall mount for more flexible operatory set-up.

For more information about Virtual XD VPS impression materials, call 1-800-533-6825 or head to