Video Test Drive: Natural Elegance Premium Flow Nano Composite

Dental Products Report Chief Clinical Editor John Flucke, DDS, shares all the things he liked about his experience using the latest flowable composite restorative from Henry Schein Dental's Natural Elegance product line. [5 Minutes]

Video Transcript

Hi, I'm Dr. John Flucke, technology editor and chief dental editor here at dental Products Report magazine, and today I want to talk to you about a test drive that I've recently completed that deals with a restorative material that probably all of us are reaching for in our practice at least once a day, probably, if you're like me, you're reaching for something like this multiple times a day. And it's one of those things that I really don't think we can do without. The product is a new flowable composite from Henry Schein, and it's called Natural Elegance.

Flowables can do so much for your practice. They can do so much to make your life easier, and your patients results better, and this material takes flowable up a notch, and I'm really excited about it. There's things about this that I just don't see in in anything else really on the market right now.

Number one is this material really has been optimized for for flowability, so that when you place it as a liner or a base, it is easy to control. It's not too thick, it's not too thin, it stays where you put it. But it's easy to take either the tip of the dispensing syringe or an explorer, and kind of tease it to where you want it to go. I think from the flowability standpoint, it goes into what I call the Goldilocks zone, which is it's not too thick, it's not too thin, it's it's just right. And for applications where you need to cover the dentin and things like that, the flowability is awesome.

The other thing it has is the filler particles are nanoparticles. And this allows for high strength, really good wear resistance and an incredible polish. If you're like me, chances are you're probably using flowable composites in class V areas that are, you know, visible in the esthetic zone, and probably small class IIIs in the interior where you want them to look right, but you don't want to go in and make the prep larger than normal. But you need to have a good esthetic material for that, and Natural Elegance hits it out of the park. As far as esthetics go, it polishes incredibly well and the shade match is phenomenal. So when I put it in the esthetic zone, I know it's going to work, I know it's going to match, and I know it's going to hold up over time.

One of the other features that I love is it has fluoride release. You heard that right, this is a composite material that actually releases fluoride. Also, it is great for kids. If you're doing small occlusal on kids, or even tiny little slot preps on primary molars, you can go in there and place this material and know that you're getting fluoride release, and it's really going to help you long term with the caries rate.

And the last thing that I think is really great about this material is they've paid attention to radiopacity. Having a material that is radiopaque takes the guesswork out of this. When you see it on a radiograph, you know it's a restorative material.

So we're talking about a material that has Goldilocks zone flowability, stays where you put it, but doesn't wad up and it also doesn't run when you put it where you want it to. Having the nanoparticles that give it that strength and the polishability and the wearability for a long term restoration, fluoride release, and good radiopacity, those are four things that this material has me has in such a way that it makes it something that I'm glad I've got in my tool belt.

I think for the average restorative dentist out there, this is going to be something that you're going to reach for time and time again in your practice. And I really think that you should call Henry Schein, get a kit of this and give it a try, because I think in your hands, you'll probably have the same results that I have, and you're going to find that natural elegance is something that you want to have available to you whenever you're doing a restorative case.

The product is called Natural Elegance and I think you're gonna like it. I'm Dr. John Flucke. Thanks for watching.