Video Test Drive: ACCLEAN® Ultrasonic Scaler

Alyssa Aberle, RDH shares her experiences using the new ACCLEAN Ultrasonic Scaler from Henry Schein Dental. After using the scaler in practice for several weeks, Aberle came away impressed by its versatility and thoughtful design. [5 Minutes]

Video Transcript

Hi, this is Alyssa Aberle, I'm a dental hygienist in Colorado. And for the last month or so, I have been trying out Henry Schein ACCLEAN new ultrasonic scaler. This product is obviously something that we use on a daily basis as dental hygienists. But this unit in particular has some really unique features that I have enjoyed getting to know.

When I received the box in the mail, it comes with all of the parts that you might expect and would need in order to just plug it in your operatory and get started. So the unit comes with the base itself, it comes with one handle sheath that is autoclavable, it comes with the waterline, the power cord, and the pedal.

So I'm going to show you the unit and walk you through some of the features, and I'll share with you why I've really enjoyed using this unit. So this is the ACCLEAN ultrasonic unit base. As you can see, there's a lot of features here on the unit itself that you can use during your appointment. Here you have your water adjustment, you can adjust that. Usually, you're only needing to adjust that at the beginning of your visit when you're putting in your insert and adjusting the water level appropriately. So you can go ahead and do that. And it's easy to read and easy to grab even when you have a barrier cover over it.

The other setting that's here, and again, nice and easy to reach, nice and big for you to touch is the power setting. So you can adjust this power setting. Usually, again, you're going to do that at the beginning of your visit when you're getting everything set up. But it's nice and big so that if you do have a barrier over it, and you're needing to do that in the middle of your appointment, you can still adjust that accordingly.

Another feature that is on this unit is the cruise control mode. So when you're setting up your unit getting ready for your procedure, you can push this cruise control button and it will activate that cruise control mode. Then once you started your procedure in your in your patient's mouth and you're ready to not be controlled by the foot pedal, you can actually push and hold your foot pedal and it will beep again, and then that will activate the cruise control mode. The nice thing about this for ergonomics is that you're not having to scooch your pedal around with you the whole time. If you know that you're going to be doing a scaling procedure for a significant amount of time, you can activate that cruise control mode and move on with your patient.

This triangle here also indicates when you're in boost mode. So sometimes you might need a little extra power for just one part of your procedure. And again, you can push the pedal to its full extent. And you'll see this little triangle light up and that indicates that you're in boost mode.

So the ACCLEAN Ultrasonic Scaler has a unique feature that it accommodates both 25K and 30K inserts. So we work for a federally qualified health center here., and we sometimes get pieces and parts from other clinics or donated from dentists in the area. And so we have some 30K and some 25K inserts that have been laying around for a while because they don't fit different units that we have at that time. This ultrasonic scaler was great because we were able to pull some of those out and use them and get some use out of products that have just been sitting on the shelf for quite a while. This automatically detects what size of the insert or what type of insert you're using. So when you insert any insert any brand, any frequency 25K or 30K, it automatically recognizes that and will work immediately. So I really enjoyed that feature.

Another feature that I really enjoyed is that the unit itself has a purge button. So in the mornings that I'm trying to get my room ready, I know that waterline maintenance is really important as the infection control coordinator at our health center, and I was able to just push the button, leave it in the sink and let it purge lines on its own so that I wasn't having to sit there with my foot on the pedal and was able to get the rest of my morning ready. So really enjoyed those features.

Another feature that I really enjoyed is that the handpiece sheath, the black part that needs come off can be autoclaved in between patients. Again, from an infection control standpoint, that's really important for us. And the nice thing about this ultrasonic scaler is that that handpiece sheath is just the plastic cover, it's just the sheath. Whereas other units sometimes there's more mechanics and parts inside that handle making it a lot more expensive. So we were able to purchase extra sheaths for a very reasonable cost. And it was really helpful for us to be able to have those to sterilize between patients.

So again, very easy, very user-friendly, we took it out of the box, plugged it in, all 3 hygienists in our clinic were able to use it without much training or onboarding. So we really enjoyed using this unit and I hope that you will too.