Up Next — DTX Studio Clinic

Dental Products Report, Dental Products Report March 2022, Volume 56, Issue 3

A look at the benefits Advanced Cosmetic & Family Dentistry in Alpharetta, Georgia experienced with the upgrade to DTX Studio Clinic.

The Practice:

Brett S. Silverman, DDS, MAGD, LLSR, founded Advanced Cosmetic & Family Dentistry in Alpharetta, Georgia (Acfdga.com) where he and two other doctors run the 100% fee-for-service operation. The practice generates a steady stream of new patients through both the internet and a strong network of referrals from other clinicians with challenging cases.

“It's all about the patient. It's not about us,” Dr Silverman says.

The Prior Solution:

The practice was previously using the DEXIS Imaging Suite to manage its clinical image files. Dr Silverman says the DEXIS software is a “very, very good product” but it was not always easy to integrate images from imaging technology made by different companies.

Upgrade Inspiration:

With the practice using several x-ray sensors, different intraoral scanners, a cone beam, and intraoral cameras, there was a definite need to find a centralized software solution that works well with input from a range of sources.

“When you have different software, and different companies, everybody plays well on their home turf, but when you mix and match, and pick the best for you, they don't always like to behave,” he says.

The Benefits:

Dr Silverman believes his practice found that solution in DTX Studio Clinic.Setting up the software and connecting the practice’s imaging systems was straightforward, and now he and his colleagues don’t need to shuffle between a dedicated cone beam computer, an x-ray computer, and other computers to view different types of images.

“We can have all our sources of information together,” Dr Silverman says. “You click here and it's 2D, it’s 3D, if you want to see a specific tooth, you can review and look at all the images of that one tooth. It just makes everything uniform in one place, which is awesome. Any imagery we want is in there. We can plan it, do it, have it which makes our communication with the patient seamless.”

A surprising benefit with the DTX Studio Clinic software has been the quality of the image display, and the way the software remembers his preferences for settings such as contrast.

What’s Up Next Next:

Dr Silverman says he’s thrilled with the cohesion DTX Studio Clinic brings to his practice and how it supports his vision of finding and adopting the technology he believes offers the most to his patients. If he could have an extra feature in the software, he says he’d love to have the software automatically highlight or note areas of interest on the images so he can do an even better job of identifying decay or bone loss. The way the DTX software is already benefiting his practice and his patients, Dr Silverman says he feels like he’s already a few steps ahead of where dentistry has been.

“It's one of those things where I've seen the future and it's incredible because our history in dentistry is patchwork all the way around,” he says. “This works. They’ve listened to our pains and have a fully integrated application.”