Top 5 ways lab management software can save your lab time and money

Dental Lab Products, Dental Lab Products February 2015, Issue 2

It can be complicated to keep track of everything happening around your lab. After all, you work hard on the bench top each and every day, providing your clients great esthetics and long-lasting quality-and then you have to run a business and all that comes with that.

It can be complicated to keep track of everything happening around your lab. After all, you work hard on the bench top each and every day, providing your clients great esthetics and long-lasting quality-and then you have to run a business and all that comes with that.

That's where lab and case management software come in. Here are five reasons why investing in software now can make all the difference as you juggle being a great artist and a great business owner:

1. It keeps cases organized.

With management software, it’s easy to track the entire course of a case. View all of the dentist’s notes, scans and images in one spot, and follow the workflow of the case, to see where it is in production and who is working on it.

2. It makes communication a snap.

Easily send messages internally, or externally to your clients. With all your contact information centralized in one system, you can easily send communications to dental practices with updates or questions about specific cases, marketing materials, announcements and more. You can even use some software to communicate with a dentist about a case in real time.

3. It makes sure you get paid.

Keeping track of invoices and deadlines can be a pain, but management software can keep tabs on all those terms and dates for you. You’ll never have to wonder if an invoice has been paid again.

4. It helps manage your clients and your team.

Payroll, billing and tax tracking, all in one place? Lab management software makes it easy to keep your financials and employee information in order.

5. It prevents redundancies.

With real-time information about every case at your fingertips, duplications or miscommunications won’t be a problem, saving your lab time and money. Additionally, it will free up your time (and your team’s time) to do the work you actually want to do.