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The most-read practice management articles from the last year.
It’s hard to believe that another year is almost over!
This past year, Dental Practice Management brought you dozens of articles designed to help you lead your practice more efficiently. There were a few articles though that really stood out to you, our readers.
Trending article: 9 ways to increase workflow in 2019
In 2018, our readers were interested in how to avoid an OSHA inspection, ways to be a better manager, how to make a dental office more green, and more. As we look forward to 2019, let’s take a minute to reflect on everything we learned this past year.
Click through the slides to read the most popular DPM articles of 2018.
5 surefire ways to get an OSHA inspection
By Robert Elsenpeter
Does the mere mention of the name “OSHA” send a shiver down your spine? You’re not alone. OSHA violations can have a detrimental effect on your reputation in the community as well as your bottom line.
OSHA complaints are typically reported by phone or online directly to OSHA and can be made by current employees, former employees or someone outside of the practice. Once a complaint has been made, it’s OSHA’s responsibility to follow up.
Despite your best efforts, OSHA complaints may still be reported, resulting in violations and various penalties. For that reason, it’s a good idea to stay up to date on best practices and evaluate the systems and processes within your practice. Here are five areas where you could go wrong when trying to avoid an OSHA inspection.
To read the full article, click here.
5 ways to be a better manager
By Nicholas Hamm
There’s a lot you can’t control in your practice. You can’t make customers walk in the door, you can’t keep your data absolutely safe, you can’t make everyone in your office the perfect employee. You can’t do any of these things, but you can set up policies that help to influence them. You can create a great marketing plan to help advertise your practice, and you can invest in the latest tech to keep your data as safe as possible. With employees, it’s the same thing. Invest in training that will help you to be a better manager. Make your work environment the best it can be. Pay attention to how you and employees interact.
It’s easier said than done though, so here are five tips to help you better manage what could be your dental practice’s greatest asset: employees. From front office staff to hygenists, a wellperforming staff is vital. Do you have the tools to make that happen?
4 ways to make your office more green - and more profitable
By Nicholas Hamm
Going green isn’t anything new. You’ve definitely heard about, and maybe even thought about, how you can make your dental practice more green - maybe you’ve even already done it.
There’s no better time than now to re-evaluate just what going green could mean for your practice and how you can do it. For many, however, the anticipated costs and problems associated with making their offices more environmentally friendly are just too much. Won’t installing all of these energy-saving devices cost a lot of money? Won’t my patients and employees be annoyed with low-flow toilets? Disposable plastic tools are way more convenient than reusable ones!
All of these are valid concerns, and no one should pretend that going green isn’t going to take some extra work. But if you’re committed to lowering your environmental footprint, it’s worth it. And if that doesn’t convince you, then maybe this will: Going green can also save you a lot of, well, green.
These four tips show that, while it might take some extra work or some time to get used to, making your offi ce more environmentally friendly might just be the best thing you can do for the earth and for your practice’s budget.
To read the full article, click here.
Is the solo practice dead?
By Robert Elsenpeter
The business of dentistry, like so many industries, is different than it was 20 or 30 years ago. That change can be chalked up to such infl uences as the economy, technology and our culture. Dental service organizations (DSOs) are becoming much more prevalent and, given the current climate, may overtake solo practices in the coming years.
So, it begs the question: Is the solo practice dead?
The short answer is “It depends.” But what exactly does that mean for the future of your practice? Does one size really fit all?
3 reasons dental membership plans will save your practice
By Dave Monahan
One of the most important trends to emerge in dental offi ce management over the past few years has been dental membership plans. The concept isn’t new, but the impact on the operation and financial performance of a practice can be tremendous.
More and more practices are embracing dental membership plans for a multitude of expected and unexpected reasons. Simplicity and a pent-up demand from uninsured patients are just two of the reasons why practices are converting to a subscription-based dentistry model. Why? The subscription-based economy is hot and it’s impacting consumers and businesses at all levels of the American economy.
Dental membership plans enable dental practices to take back control and tilt the fi nancial playing fi eld in favor of the very people most invested in delivering quality dental care. That’s you and your staff! To understand the transformational benefi ts of a dental membership plan, consider these three broad categories of financial impact.