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The modern dental hygienist juggles many demands throughout a regular workday. With keeping infection control practices top of mind (especially in the era of COVID-19), educating patients on the importance of oral health, and even paying attention to patients’ emotional states or anxieties, the work is nonstop. Maybe that is why some hygienists turned to our more lighthearted content over the course of the year—a chance to unwind after a long day. While still focusing on infection control and professional development, some of this year’s top-performing Modern Hygienist® content came in the form of slideshows on an array of topics, including animal teeth facts, TikTok trends, and Guinness World Records.
by Kristin Hohman
Social media platforms have started and spread some fun and encouraging trends; consider how the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and, more recently, the quarantine family Olympics have gone viral. But just as these entertaining trends pop up, so, too, can dangerous ones. TikTok, the popular short-form video app that allows users to post 15- to 60-second videos, has been the genesis of several of these kinds of challenges, while several include dental health trends that are harmful to teeth, usually with irreversible effects.
by Laura Dorr
Hygienists are continually looking for advances that make their lives easier, their work faster, and care more effective. Innovations in materials, fluctuating patient expectations, and an evolving view of the profession as a whole are constantly changing the landscape of hygiene, the role of the hygienist, and how patient care is approached. Although the industry and its protocols are always changing, the past year put many adaptations into overdrive. The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated increased infection-control awareness and shifted how dental clinicians practice. Despite the challenges, many of these changes have been beneficial, pushing the industry forward and opening new doors.
by Stan Goff
Most animals need to chew food in a fashion similar to how humans chew, but that’s not to say they all have teeth similar to us. Kittens have small, razor-sharp teeth, dogs are known for strong biting forces, and many of us are afraid of the sight of sharks and alligators showing off their teeth. This fun slideshow takes a look at animal teeth facts, many of which are incredibly interesting and only a few of which are slightly terrifying.
by Stan Goff
Before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, the dental industry has been at the forefront of developing infection control protocols designed to protect patients and staff against the spread of diseases. Many of today’s methods have been in use so long that it’s hard to imagine going to a dental practice without some of the basic everyday precautions we’ve become so accustomed to seeing and using. Here, we provide a quick look at 5 infection control protocols that are hard to imagine not being used by your dentist.
Go to bit.ly/5ICProtocols
by Kristin Hohman
Many people are afraid of the dentist. Usually, it’s because they’re embarrassed at their own lack of home care or because the dentist is often associated with pain or discomfort. But no matter how bad you think your teeth are, your dentist has likely seen worse. This slideshow covers the strange—and at times, unsettling—things that have been found in patients’ mouths and serves as a cautionary tale for patients who do not practice regular oral hygiene.
by Stan Goff
Sports fans will tell you that records are made to be broken, even though some are more obscure than others and some may indeed last forever. But setting and breaking records—even bizarre ones—are so attention-grabbing and fun that people around the globe are always striving for records and headlines and this has helped make Guinness World Records so popular. Here, we share just some of the many odd dental-themed marks recorded by Guinness World Records.
by Stan Goff
Over the Fourth of July weekend, picnics and BBQs were everywhere and there was plenty of food and drink for everyone. It can be tricky not to overindulge during these events, which is why we put together some holiday tips on what is and is not best to consume, as well as advice on what not to try to do when you misplace your bottle opener.
Go to bit.ly/FourthFoodTips
by Suzanne Newkirk, RDH, Lynne H. Slim, RDH, MS
Most dental hygienists enter the profession because they want to make a difference in the oral health of patients by partnering with their employers and coworkers. Unfortunately, all too often their dreams of working in a cohesive group of like-minded individuals fall short. This frequently occurs because of unrealistic expectations by either the hygienist or employer, a lack of communication, or a toxic work environment that may include bullying by coworkers or the dentist/employer. This article breaks down how to deal with bullying and burnout in the dental practice.
by Noah Levine
Valentine’s Day is always a great excuse to express your appreciation for your loved ones and all the important people in your life—co-workers, friends, colleagues, and even your patients. It’s also a great time to have a little fun and share a clever pun with those special people. If you ever want to share a card (or pun) with that special dental someone, or want something to share with your patients that might make them smile, here are 6 places you can find toothful Valentine’s Day cards.
Video Hosted by Noah Levine
The Dental Products Report® (DPR) OTC Guide was created to provide consumers a resource to see which brands are most trusted and recommended by dental professionals. The results are also a great resource for industry professionals to get a glimpse at which home care and OTC dental products your colleagues recommend most often. We compiled our results via an online survey of the DPR and Modern Hygienist® audiences. In this video, DPR Editorial Director Noah Levine shares the results of this survey.
Go to bit.ly/2021OTCVideo