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In just 3 short minutes, dental practice coach Mike Massotto offers some insight on how to make your dental practice shine. In this episode, Mike talks about leveraging dental technology as a marketing tool. [3 minutes]
Video Transcription:
Look, I'm not on the take with any company, I don't get any endorsement fees for mentioning any products in these videos, alright, at all. Dental Products Report did not tell me to mention anybody if these videos I had no money or anything for. For example, one time I'll never forget the doctor I went to the first time when CEREC was coming out for the first time. And they put that unit right in the reception area. So they said, hey, you know, let me show you something, when they want to do my crown. They walk me out to the thing. Show me it milling right there in front of me, I'm like, “Whoa, I was sold like man, I can get that done today, when I'm here like that.” It's right there. They put it out there for a strategic reason to show people you can get same-day dentistry, you don't have to wait and come back. That's huge to be able to do that.
That's why we give tours in this day and age. It's okay to show them we have the most advanced x-ray technology, your lasers, your things. That's cool. That's 21st century dentistry, right? Especially if you want to appeal to the younger generation of patients coming to your practice, they want to see that you have all this kind of stuff, which is really cool, right? And they can see and explain it, it's great having that stuff out in the open, it shouldn't be hidden, it's a selling point to have all these things, right. So, it's always good to have them out there in the present.
And it's all about utilization too, we shouldn't be afraid to talk about it and bring it up and hype it up that we have it ,right, and what it does and how it all works, because people don't know how it all works, and how modern dentistry is, right. A lot of misconceptions still have people coming in about what dentistry is and what is not, right. So having this high tech stuff is cool, and even the stuff that we know, and the other thing behind the scenes is the technology we have is underutilized, right. Whether it's a software, whether it's all these different things. Like when I started doing this, there was no social media, there was no… there was… The question I used to get from time to time was, "Hey, Mike, I heard about this thing called a website. Should I have one?" You know, that was a question I used to get at one time. Now, it's like, we move so far beyond that. But we have patients, we have staff, people utilizing their software that are so amazing to use. And we still got a paper book on the site and someplace, as a backup, backup, whatever the hell that means, right? Where we have all the software that can do all these things, when all those reports make so much life easier, easier, and they know how to use it, right? You paid for this, it comes with training, utilize it.
Staff change, some people come in, they're not familiar with it. I can't emphasize enough train your people to get on this kind of stuff. So they get excited about it too. And they can promote a market there's these pieces of equipment as well, because patients are going to ask about them if they see them. They're going to ask questions, they want to know about it. Right? So and we don't want the stuff sitting around the office collecting dust, right? You know, whether it's an intraoral camera, and in mentioning a brand I don't care which one you have get a camera, you know, you know panorex machine, laser, you know, VELscope, whatever you have. There should be some training, extensive training on it. And we should be fine with displaying and promoting in your office because that is a gigantic selling point in terms of wanting people to come to your practice and get dentistry from you.