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In just 180 seconds, dental practice coach Mike Massotto offers advice and tips to help your practice enhance its operations. In this episode, Mike talks about finding the best flow for your dental practice and clinical space.
Video Transcription:
Mike Massotto: So, I'm not an architect, you know, so everybody has their own personal feelings about how they want their office set up and how they want things to go back there. ButI'm a big believer in flow, right? We even have a thing, a position in our practice called Flow coordinator. You know, we've been in most practices to give the name of that person, the floater, okay. I don't ever use the word floater in my program, float or something, you find the river, this is [New] Jersey, by the way, so you know, we don't think it's a good thing to have a floater in your office, right? So, what I want to do a call this person an MVP, you know, they're making sure that there's a good connection between the front of the back and things are moving and flowing, right.
People and paper, you know, are the things that flow through your practice, right, that'swhat's happening, money, charts, if you're digital, fantastic. All right. But you want to keep that flowing, and the quicker things flow, the better things run in the practice, right? So, I love open bays, you know, or the ability to open bays and rooms that are all connected like that. That's my personal preference. I mean, it can be partially open connected like that. Which is really cool, if you want if you can set it up that particular way. But that's a personal preference. You know, I like that, taking out as many walls and doors and stuff as possible, right? It makes it easier for communication, having a communication system. A lot of offices don't even do it, but when there's no shouting and yelling and whatever because that is done via a sound system, a lot of doctors love that they can hear the cute chatter going on between each other, but the patients don't hear that conversation going on. Which is a nice thing, right?
But how do you lay this whole thing out? Right? The flow of energy and people of paper through your office is really really critical. Right? And you don't want to cramped, you don't you want it too open. You want easy to access in and out of rooms, because doctors have to be moving in out of rooms, hygienists [are] moving in and out of rooms, right? And there'sa reason why again, an ortho bay, everything's open like that, right, they got to be able to move, move and shake quickly when they go from person to person, right. But even in general practice, if you have the ability, and again, sometimes we're limited by our space, sometimes you gotta get creative.
There are architects and there are companies out there that can help design this and pick one that understands dental practices. I can't tell you how many offices I've seen that were built by builders that look nice, okay, but they would they have no idea how a dental office works and flows. So, it's so important to have a companies that understand and know how to lay out dental practices. And you may not even realize, you know, I never thought of that I never thought of that particular idea because they bring these ideas to the table to make life easier. Because once the things are built and once you set up that way, you're stuck, right? And then you are gonna go back and tear things down and redo it. I mean,it's better to do it right the first time. Well, ifyou're going togo and make some changes,that's a bigparticular area, maximizingutilizing your square footage, right in terms of the rooms becausethat's what you got, right? You got to know things you got to work with it, especially in Manhattan whenyou're working in some of these offices are 500 square feet.It's like you step out of the front andyou're into an office andthat's all it is. Right? So again, space management and how you lay things out how you have things setup critical.