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As the founder of dentalsoftwareadvisor.com, Mike Uretz has been consulting with teledentistry providers for years, and this interview includes his advice about the current wave of applications hitting the industry, as well as what he thinks teledentistry will bring to dental practices once the pandemic is in the rear view mirror.
As the COVID-19 pandemic shut down dental practices and social distancing became the norm, teledentistry stepped into the industry spotlight to create new ways for practices to see patients for pre-screenings, treatment check-ups, and other consultations. The technology has been around, but the need to use it greatly accellerated during the start of the pandemic.
In this video interview, Dental Products Report Editorial Director Noah Levine talks with Mike Uretz, founder of dentalsoftwareadvisor.com, author of The Teledentistry Survival Guide, and a regular contributor at DPR about teledentistry's place in the industry, the future of this technology, and how to evaluate the rapidly expanding roster of companies providing teledental solutions.