OraCare Expands OraCare Cares Program to Support Cancer Patients

OraCare has announced an in-kind donation for its OraCare rinse kit for patients who may be suffering side effects from radiation or chemotherapy.

OraCare plans to expand its OraCare Cares program with a new initiative called “Your Order, Their Relief.” Through this initiative, OraCare will send a free set of OraCare Rinse to patients who may be suffering the side effects of radiation or chemotherapy whenever a practice places an order. This rinse will offer relief for cancer patients, according to OraCare’s Clinical Director Kristin Goodfellow, RDH.

“Cancer patients have a unique set of dental health challenges, and they rely on dentists and their teams to help them cope,” Goodfellow said in a press release from the company. “We think World Cancer Day is the perfect occasion to announce our increased commitment to supporting OraCare practices which in turn help so many patients at the most challenging points in their lives.”

OraCare is designed to offer an alternative to chlorhexidine rinses, and the OraCare Cares program was created to specifically serve the needs of cancer patients. It was launched in November, 2020. As a part of it, practices are encouraged to register patients undergoing cancer treatment and maybe interested in the rinse kit.

These orders can be placed on OraCare’s website or via phone.