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BurtonBands announces several VursaWedge innovations, including the release of 2 new sizes—medium and large—and the addition of the Anatomical VursaWedge.
Featuring a proprietary split wedge design that solves Class II procedural inefficiencies such as gingival seal issues, matrix contour issues and proximal contact issues all in one easy-to-use device, VursaWedge is now available in new sizes and designs to expand its capabilities.
BurtonBands announces the immediate availability of several new VursaWedge innovations, including the release of 2 new sizes—medium and large—and the addition of the Anatomical VursaWedge designed specifically for use in challenging furcation cases.
Invented by Illinois practicing dentist Matthew Burton, DDS, the VursaWedge provides a better seal at the gingival margin that also results in less flash, thereby achieving better results with less time needed for finishing and polishing.
“The flexible split wedge design of VursaWedge allows for proper contour and a tight gingival seal, as the two legs of the wedge splay out to effectively hold the matrix in place, creating a system that is fully compatible with all major ring systems,” states Dr Burton. “The current small size VursaWedge is ideal for use in healthy gingiva cases with little-to-no attachment loss. However, I quickly realized that larger sizes would be needed to overcome larger embrasure cases, and that’s where the new medium and large size VursaWedges come into play.”
Additionally, Dr Burton developed a specialized VursaWedge for use with cases involving furcation. Due to its unique convex contour, the aptly named Anatomical VursaWedge allows clinicians to predictably seal difficult furcation cases.
VursaWedge is available to dentists in the US and Canada through an exclusive distribution agreement with Young Specialties. For more information and to order, visit: https://www.youngspecialties.com/product-category/plak-smacker/matrix-systems/
Dr Burton, founder of Burton Dental Innovations, LLC (BurtonBands.com) specializes in Class II composite restorations at his private practice in Frankfort, Illinois and has leveraged his insights to develop and market new solutions for dentists who face the same challenges in their own practice.