New dental product: Tom’s of Maine Botanically Bright by Tom's of Maine

Dental Products Report, Dental Products Report-2013-03-01, Issue 3

SLS-free and fluoride-free Tom’s of Maine Botanically Bright toothpaste reportedly whitens teeth with natural foaming action and great taste. Blended botanicals including chamomile and organic aloe with mint flavors and the natural sweetner steveia (a plaque-acid reducer) leaves mouths fresh and clean. Naturally-sourced silicas help whiten teeth without bleaching ingredients. The 4.7-ounce tubes of toothpaste is available in spearment with aloe and chamomile and peppermint with Xylitol and propolis flavors.

SLS-free and fluoride-free Tom’s of Maine Botanically Bright toothpaste reportedly whitens teeth with natural foaming action and great taste. Blended botanicals including chamomile and organic aloe with mint flavors and the natural sweetner steveia (a plaque-acid reducer) leaves mouths fresh and clean. Naturally-sourced silicas help whiten teeth without bleaching ingredients. The 4.7-ounce tubes of toothpaste is available in spearment with aloe and chamomile and peppermint with Xylitol and propolis flavors.

Tom’s of Maine
