Keep on the Cutting Edge of Restorative Dentistry as Dental Products Report Presents Restorative Revolutions, an online education event

The online event on November 6 will feature presentations from Timothy M. Bizga, DDS; Sam Simos, DDS; Daniel Vasquez, DDS; Rick Ferguson, DMD, DABOI, DICOI, AFAAID; Franklin Tay, BDSc (Honos), PhD; and hosted by John Flucke, DDS.

Do miss out on an opportunity to learn about the products influencing the future of restorative dentistry as Dental Products Report presents, Restorative Revolutions, a virtual event showcasing the materials, techniques, and technologies transforming the restorative dental landscape.

The 7-hour event will feature presentations from Timothy M. Bizga, DDS; Sam Simos, DDS; Daniel Vasquez, DDS; Rick Ferguson, DMD, DABOI, DICOI, AFAAID; Franklin Tay, BDSc (Honos), PhD; before ending the day with a panel discussion moderated by Dental Products Report® chief clinical editor John Flucke, DDS. Attendees will be eligable for up to 6 continuing education credits which are being provided via the Academy for Chairside Assisting.

The event is now available at no cost to attendees thanks to our sponsors Dentsply Sirona, Fitebac, GC America, Kuraray Noritake Dental, and Formlabs.