How to use Flossolution for faster, easier, pain-free flossing regimens [VIDEO], Issue 9

Invented by Orlando dentist Dr. Tim Pruett, Flossolution’s products tackle the challenges patients confront with recommended flossing routines by offering a simpler, more effective and pain-free method of flossing and brushing teeth.

Invented by Orlando dentist Dr. Tim Pruett, Flossolution’s products tackle the challenges patients confront with recommended flossing routines by offering a simpler, more effective and pain-free method of flossing and brushing teeth.

The sonic-powered Flossolution 500 and manually powered Flossolution Lite are designed to make flossing fast and easy, featuring Flossguard and Bite Bumper™ technology. The Flossguard controls floss depth to protect gums and prevent trauma, while the Bite Bumper allows the user to apply gentle biting pressure for greater control during flossing.  Both products feature brush attachments designed to prevent tooth abrasion by using soft bristles and handles that promote gentler brushing techniques.

For more information about Flossolution products, head to

Watch the video below to learn how to use Flossolution for easier, pain-free flossing