How Sirona 3D Imaging Solutions create a dynamic virtual digital patient [VIDEO], Issue 4

Jochen Kusch, executive vice president of SICAT, says with Sirona 3D Imaging Solutions, it’s the first time all the 3D information needed to create a dynamic virtual digital dental patient is all housed in one place.

Jochen Kusch, executive vice president of SICAT, says with Sirona 3D Imaging Solutions, it’s the first time all the 3D information needed to create a dynamic virtual digital dental patient is all housed in one place.

In this video straight from the dental show floor, Kusch takes viewers through the workflow and features of Sirona 3D Imaging Solutions.

“What we have here is the real patient geometry, the real patient movement, the real patient occlusion, so there is no room for error,” he adds.

Watch the video now: