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KOMET USA’s extended-length diamonds help ease crown preparation when gingival recession is present.
KOMET USA’s extended-length diamonds help ease crown preparation when gingival recession is present.
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In this Technique Geek video, KOMET USA offers a video how-to with Dr. Christine M. Yonker, DDS, and Sergio Rubinstein, DDS, from the Oral Rehabilitation Center in Skokie, Ill., demonstrating how they used KOMET USA's extended-length diamonds to prepare atypical crowns.
Developed to address crown preparation requirements in cases presenting gingival recession, the KOMET® S6856XL.FG.021 diamond features a 12 mm working length.
This extra-long, perio-length diamond allows the operator to maintain ideal position and angle of the handpiece and avoid interference with adjacent teeth, thus permitting the precise preparation and refinement of optimal crown margins at the proper angle in patients who have longer, exposed crown lengths.
The KOMET® S6856XL.FG.021 diamond is a new addition to KOMET USA’s S-Diamonds®, which efficiently remove tooth structure during crown preparation procedures. KOMET S-Diamonds feature a diamond understructure on their working portions, which incorporate staggered plane surfaces to optimize material reduction, ensure maximal debris removal, facilitate cooling, and save operator time. Less loading of the KOMET S-Diamonds cutting surfaces enhance patient comfort.
KOMET S-Diamonds are offered in a variety of configurations and lengths to accommodate individual crown preparation designs, including tapered chamfer, long chamfer, modified taper, modified taper shoulder, modified cylinder, modified parallel shoulder, modified tapered chamfer, modified parallel chamfer and parallel chamfer.