Handling New Tasks at a Community Health Center During a Pandemic: A conversation with Alyssa Aberle

Dental Products Report and Modern Hygienist Editorial Director Noah Levine is joined by Modern Hygienist Editorial Advisory Board Member Alyssa Aberle, RDH, BSDH, MBA to discuss her experiences working at a community health center and conducting COVID-19 tests during the pandemic.

Everyone seems to have a unique experience as we all navigate our own uncharted courses through the COVID-19 pandemic. For Colorado dental hygienist Alyssa Aberle, RDH, BSDH, MBA, it's been a mix of working on new tasks and working to stay in touch with patients and colleagues.

In this video interview, Editorial Director Noah Levine and Aberle, a member of the Modern Hygienist editorial advisory board, discuss working at a community health center and helping out with a drive-up COVID-19 testing center as well as a range of other tasks she performed to help the medical care providers while the clinic's dental facilities were shut down to all but emergency cases.