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According to Gary Zelesky, professional speaker, dentists can be hyper focused. Sometimes, he says, that comes at the expense of the bigger picture. To live happier, more fulfilling lives, Zelesky says dentists should look to find humor in everything. That includes with their dental practice teams and with their families.
According to Gary Zelesky, professional speaker, dentists can be hyper focused. Sometimes, he says, that comes at the expense of the bigger picture. To live happier, more fulfilling lives, Zelesky says dentists should look to find humor in everything. That includes with their dental practice teams and with their families.
Interview Transcript (Modified for Readability)
“Here’s the irony of the life of a dentist. His whole world is this big (gesturing to show the size of a mouth). He’s working in this kind of environment — a very small environment. However, when it comes to the life of his team, and his family, he needs to see life in this environment (gesturing widely). He needs to see it bigger. I tell dentists, some of you are wound a little bit too tightly. Everything is so strategic and everything is now. You need to open it up a little bit, so that you can find – ready – humor in everything. That doesn’t mean that you’re a comedian, or that you’re not serious. I’m not saying that. But every once in a while, when stress hits, you’ve got to open up, you’ve got to see the bigger picture. When you do, you’re going to find amazing humor.
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My wife and I actually wrote a book called Big Laughs Bigger Lessons, and it’s 14 of our most embarrassing, humiliating times in our lives. When it was happening, when that thing was happening at the time, it wasn’t funny. But when we stepped back from it, it became the best story that we could ever tell.
Dentists, you need to smile. You need to laugh once in a while, not just when you’re drinking, but when you’re with your team. See the bigger picture.”