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Steril-Air Today offers a number of products to safely and economically protect dental offices and other medical facilities by significantly reducing airborne contaminants.
Steril-Air Today, a division of SHOWCASE Companies, Inc., offers a number of proven germicidal ultraviolet light products, including the new CK300H solution.
CK300H, which can easily be installed in your central air system, is a safe, economical and effective way to significantly reduce airborne contaminants. HVAC systems are typically inaccessible and a reservoir for mold, bacteria and slime that can circulate throughout any dwelling. These contaminants can cause allergies, asthma, colds, flu and sinus infections. Featuring a 300W high-power UVC lamp, CK300H is said to be the most powerful HVAC disinfection system on the market. UV disinfection is a function of UV intensity and exposure time.
CK300H not only has high UV intensity, but also comes with 4 parallel tubes to increase exposure time, which guarantees 99.9% of pathogens is killed once air passes the CK300H. Unlike normal UV ducting systems which work all the time, the airflow sensors with this solution turn CK300H on only when the HVAC system is operating. This provides energy saving and helps prolong the lifespan of the tubes. The CK300H solution comes with 2 LED indicator lights and each light indicates the operation of 2 tubes. If one tube doesn’t work normally, the corresponding LED light will stop working.
Many businesses need our help, but some of our first and most urgent calls during COVID-19 have come from the medical facilities such as dental offices, hospitals, nursing homes, and medical doctor offices who face the dire economic challenges to service their patients, says Steril-Air Today.