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3D Predict’s clear aligner therapy uses artificial intelligence and cone-beam computed tomography for best-case outcomes.
A Clear Aligner Solution Rooted in Artificial Intelligence Technology
As technology drives change in the dental industry, it drives change in specialties as well. Clear aligner company 3D Predict has made the case for artificial intelligence–driven orthodontics, from the initial cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans to the final design of the aligner therapy.
Jeffrey Miller, DDS, is a diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics and has practices in Maryland and Florida. Dr Miller strongly advocates for the use of CBCT in orthodontic treatment, which made 3D Predict a logical choice for him and his practices. He is making the transition in his practices to 3D Predict aligners.
“By incorporating both the digital scan and the CBCT, 3D Predict produces a higher level virtual treatment simulation. The doctor is able to see past the clinical crowns and accurately visualize the root position relative to the alveolar housing,” says Dr Miller. “You have more relevant information to help provide better clinical outcomes.”
3D Predict works through its use of AI to take what it calls Unique Deep CBCT® Analysis, which allows dental professionals to view the entire tooth including the root as well as its position within the alveolar housing. Once the virtual treatment is approved, the aligner trays are printed.
Dr Miller says it’s about getting orthodontists to understand the importance of root position and the alveolar housing anatomy.
“Many of the orthodontists that are utilizing CBCT are simply reconstructing the panorex and cephalometric images to diagnosis and treatment plan their cases. They’re using the new technology to recreate the old technology from the 1950s. This makes no sense to me,” says Dr Miller. “I completely understand the resistance from moving away from cephalometric analysis to looking at individual teeth and their relationship to the alveolar housing. That’s where CBCT becomes extremely valuable to orthodontists because you couldn’t visualize this before.”
3D Predict provides a virtual treatment simulation that clearly shows the actual root and alveolar housing anatomy. This allows orthodontists to better visualize the consequences of their proposed treatment at a higher level than the typical clinical crown-based simulation. According to Dr Miller, 3D Predict identifies possible root dehiscence, root collisions, and other possible problematic orthodontic movements better because there is more visibility for the clinician during treatment.
While some cases can look simple to the orthodontic aligner provider using a clinical crown-only virtual simulation platform, these “simple cases” can become much more complex when adding other considerations such as the roots and alveolar housing anatomy. Dr Miller feels that this is an amazing learning tool for the profession as, for the first time, there is technology that goes past the clinical crown-based aligner treatment.
Dr Miller believes that this technology will help the provider become more mindful of the complexities of orthodontic treatment.
“Is this system perfect? No. But it is lightyears ahead of the crown based aligner systems and it is clearly taking orthodontics in the right direction. Think about the potential this system has as a learning tool. The safety of certain orthodontics movements can be more accurately verified,” says Dr Miller.
This technology is relevant for anyone moving teeth orthodontically. For the first time, it gives orthodontists the ability to visualize the consequences of each movement and adjust the treatment to minimize root dehiscence and fenestration. That was not possible until now.