5Ws* MEDIT i700 wireless

Dental Products Report, Dental Products Report September 2022, Volume 56, Issue 9

This wireless intraoral scanner cuts the cord but keeps the comfort and battery life needed for all-day scanning and treatment.

Information provided by Medit.


The MEDIT i700 wireless intraoral scanner





Any dental practice


The MEDIT i700 wireless is suitable for up to 30 scanned cases on a single charge and for a variety of treatment indications. It features an enlarged scanning window and is powered by 60 GHz wireless technology, allowing for a more efficient scan. Used with cloud-storage solution MEDIT Link, the MEDIT i700 wireless can be used for clear aligners, implants, surgical guides, 3D printing, and more.


The MEDIT i700 wireless offers clinicians a cord-free, comfortable scanning experience with the same power and capabilities as standard plug-in intraoral scanners. With a scan area of 15 mm by 13 mm, MEDIT i700 wireless can capture up to 70 frames per second for a smooth and quick intraoral visualization. Paired with MEDIT software, this scanner can open the digital door for clinicians, boosting profits without breaking the bank on expensive technology.

The How*

MEDIT utilizes powerful batteries in its i700 wireless, along with an intelligent power management function that switches the device to sleep mode when not in use, to save energy and enable up to 1 hour of continuous scanning. When the batteries are drained, just plug in and charge the scanner overnight for a fresh start the next day. MEDIT software helps clinicians see any issues or warning signs before they become problems, saving the patient money and keeping dental professionals confident in their work.