5Ws* FTG DC-Air™ Intraoral Sensor

Dental Products Report, Dental Products Report February 2022, Volume 56, Issue 2

A truly wireless x-ray sensor with integrated Bluetooth technology, the DC-Air is built for durability and provides crystal-clear digital images.

Information provided by Freedom Technologies Group.


DC-Air wireless intraoral x-ray sensor


Freedom Technologies Group, LLC

855-664-1953 | ftgimaging.com


Every dental practice looking to upgrade to digital radiography.


Whenever digital images are needed and for any practice seeking durability, diagnostic image quality, and comfort compared with their current digital imaging system.


DC-Air is a wireless intraoral x-ray sensor with Bluetooth Low Energy technology, which enables the sensor to quickly and reliably transfer images to the receiver connected to a PC. This eliminates what is said to be the No. 1 failure point of other sensors—the wire. Its holders use a patent-pending design that eliminates bulk from the sensor’s profile in the mouth. Coupled with the DC-Air’s thin silhouette, it’s designed to ensure patient comfort and easy positioning.

*The How: The DC-Air’s direct-conversion technology provides greater native sharpness than other sensors on the market that have to convert x-rays to visible light before creating an image. This also adds to the sensor’s durability by eliminating glass plates and other fragile components that are used in indirect conversion sensors. DC-Air is constructed with a solid casing and homogenous internal components. It has an IP67 rating, allowing it to withstand the rigors of daily use.