5Ws* Ceramir® Protect LC Syringe

Dental Products Report, Dental Products Report September 2021, Volume 55, Issue 9

This bioceramic pulp protectant promotes dentin formation while creating an adverse environment for bacteria.

Information provided by Doxa Dental, Inc.


Ceramir Protect LC Syringe


Doxa Dental, Inc
855-369-2872 | ceramirdental.com


Any dental practice.


For use in direct pulp capping, including carious or mechanical pulp exposure, or in indirect pulp capping in deep preparations such as Class I and Class II composite restorations, under amalgam restorations, and under cements.


Ceramir Protect LC Syringe is a light-cured, resin-modified bioceramic pulp protectant for direct and indirect pulp capping. It is tolerant to moisture, insoluble, and radiopaque. With its thixotropic behavior and supplied needle tips, it can be applied precisely and evenly, even in deep-cavity preparations.

*The How

Ceramir Protect releases calcium on moist tooth surfaces to promote the formation of hydroxyapatite as well as tertiary dentin, which leads to safe pulp protection. Its high alkaline pH level creates a hostile environment for bacteria, which is conducive to healing and protecting against hypersensitivity.