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3M has introduced a new super translucent zirconia product, Lava Esthetic, which is said to match excellent esthetics with high strength.
3M has introduced a new option in super translucent zirconia: 3MTM LavaTM Esthetic Fluorescent Full-Contour Zirconia. Lava Esthetic zirconia features a unique, built-in color technology delivering an excellent shade match. Lava Esthetic zirconia is reportedly the first cubic zirconia to offer inherent, toothlike fluorescence.
“Finally, an indirect restorative that does not compromise esthetics while providing high strength,” says David Hornbrook, DDS, FAACD, FACE, FASDA. “With Lava Esthetic Zirconia, we can optimize strength, fit, and translucency and since it is designed and milled in the dental laboratory, we achieve ideal contours, occlusion, and marginal integrity.”
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Hornbrook continued, “With its fluorescence properties, Lava Esthetic interacts with light like natural teeth.”
Lava Esthetic zirconia is engineered to deliver optimized translucency for esthetic full-contour crowns and three-unit bridges* at a high strength of 800 MPa**-higher than that of glass ceramics and some other cubic zirconia materials. At the same time, a 2016 study has shown that restorations made of Lava Esthetic zirconia are wear-friendly against opposing enamel. A four-shading element formulation makes it the first pre-shaded zirconia to offer inherent fluorescence for all shades, as well as a true color match with VITA® Classic shades.
Easy seating is another reported benefit to using Lava Esthetic zirconia. If minor adjustments are required, this material can be more easily adjusted than conventional zirconia. The high strength of Lava Esthetic zirconia allows for conventional, self-adhesive or adhesive cementation. 3M recommends 3MTM RelyXTM 2 Unicem Self-Adhesive Resin Cement to use with Lava Esthetic zirconia because it combines high bond strength with ease of use and requires fewer steps without compromising reliability and esthetics. There is no need to etch or prime, saving time and simplifying the workflow significantly.
“Lava Esthetic is the first zirconia to have toothlike fluorescence built into the material itself. This results in a restoration that looks like a natural tooth in any light,” says 3M Oral Care Director of National Accounts Jim Buchanan. “Combined with an excellent shade match and high translucency, patients can now expect a highly esthetic, more natural looking restoration.”
Using Lava Esthetic zirconia reportedly can save more than three hours since there is no need for shading liquids or drying time. More than two additional hours versus other zirconia materials can be saved in the sintering step. Due to its inherent natural fluorescence in any lighting condition-whether daylight, sunshine or black light-restorations will always look natural. No special fluorescent glaze is required.
The pre-shaded discs have an integral color gradient to deliver natural-looking shading from enamel to dentin and a true color match to the VITA® Classic shades Bleach, A1, A2, A3, A3.5, B1, C1 and D2. The material is available in 98mm disc with step format in 14mm, 18mm and 22mm heights.
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Learn more about Lava Esthetic Zirconia by visiting 3m.com/LavaEsthetic.
*Please refer to the instructions for use and details.
**3-point bending strength according to ISO 6872:2015; qualified for Type II, class 4; indications: crowns, bridges with one pontic between two crowns, inlays, onlays and veneers.