2021: The Dental Lab Year in Numbers

Dental Lab Products, Dental Lab Products December 2021, Volume 43, Issue 06

A look back at some metrics from the dental lab industry in 2021.

74 new products debuted over the previous 12 months in Dental Lab Products®.

12% increase in the number of dental lab technician jobs is projected between 2020 and 2030, according to data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment Projections program. This increase is expected to mean opportunities for up to 4000 additional dental lab technicians over the next decade.1

72% of dental labs use some form of magnification while working, and 55% of labs strongly agree that magnification provides a strong return on investment, whereas 62% of labs agree or strongly agree that using magnification makes a strong impression on clients and can help drive new business. Source: Dental Lab Products® 2021 Technology Survey

Approximately 80,00 toothbrushes were used to create Fastminar, a 45-ft-tall statue of a tooth created at Terna Dental College in Navi Mumbai, India, which received a Guinness World Records title as the largest toothbrush sculpture of a body part (supported). The toothbrushes used in the statue were donated by 8890 dentists from throughout India. Source: Guinness World Records

94% of dental labs said enhanced esthetics and enhanced durability are important or very important when considering a new material for use in the lab, whereas just 44% rate access to free samples of new materials in those same categories. Source: Dental Lab Products® 2021 Materials Survey

100 years is the big anniversary GC Corporation marked in February 2021. The company celebrated its first century throughout the year.

42.9 is the average age of a dental lab technician, according to job site Zippia. However, 59% of technicians fall into the 40 and older category, demonstrating the continued need to recruit and train new technicians.


  1. Dental and ophthalmic laboratory technicians and medical appliance technicians. US Department of Labor Statistics. Updated September 13, 2021. Accessed November 12, 2021. https://www.bls.gov/ooh/production/dental-and-ophthalmic-laboratory-technicians-and-medical-appliance-technicians.htm