18 complete Ivoclar Vivadent Press Technology Course

dlpmagazine.com-2011-03-01, Issue 3

A group of 17 technicians and a dentist completed the recent Ivoclar Vivadent Press Technology Course: Feathering IPS e.max and Empress which was held at IV's headquarters in Amherst, NY.

A group of 17 technicians and a dentist completed the recent Ivoclar Vivadent Press Technology Course: Feathering IPS e.max and Empress which was held at IV's headquarters in Amherst, NY.

Given by Ivoclar Vivadent technical specialists and ICDE faculty, the course covered the fundamentals of the IPS Empress Esthetic Veneer technique and the IPS e.max components for pressing (IPS e.max Press, IPS e.max ZirPress) and IPS e.max Ceram for crown and bridge fabrication technique. Other topics covered in the course were: patient-dentist-laboratory communication and clinical protocols including indications, contraindications, preparation requirements, cementation and bonding requirements.

During the 3-day course students fabricate a variety of ceramic restorations, including an IPS e.max Press LT crown, IPS e.max Press posterior crown using the Layering Technique, IPS e.max ZirPress Crown and an IPS Empress Esthetic inlay and two veneers using both the Shading and Layering Technique. 

Attendees are taught the basic principles of pressing technology including:

  • Wax up techniques for IPS Empress, e.max press and e.max ZirPress

  • Proper spruing, investing and burnout techniques

  • Pressing IPS Empress and e.max materials using the IP5000 and EP3000 press furnaces

  • Preparing pressed materials for layering ceramics

  • Utilizing the e.max ceramic materials to build pressed frameworks to full contour

  • Stain and glaze IPS Empress and e.max ceramic materials

  • Cut back and layering of IPS Empress veneers