Dental Products Report-2010-03-01

Dental Products Report

Picasso Lite in your practice

February 11, 2013

The Picasso Lite soft-tissue dental laser is designed to be a low-cost, easy-to-use option that can handle the tasks previously performed by scalpels and electro-surge. Designed for soft-tissue surgeries such as troughing, gingivectomies, frenectomies, exposing implants, treating aphthous ulcers, and herpetic lesions, it cuts and coagulates tissue with reduced trauma, bleeding or necrosis of tissue.

How to: Use a self-adhering flowable composite

June 26, 2012

If a vertex, as defined by Webster, is the intersection of two lines that form an angle, Vertise Flow is the intersection of composite and bonding agent where speed and convenience collide without sacrificing performance.

How to: Use a retentive prosthetic multisystem

June 26, 2012

By now, most patients and dentists are well aware of the benefits of implants in terms of improved long-term oral health, as well as an improved quality of life for patients. Because of this, there have been many advances in recent years by manufacturers hoping to deliver easier, longer-lasting and more predictable implant outcomes.

Tax changes for 2010

March 21, 2012

As I write, Massachusetts is sending a Republican Senator to Washington, D.C. for the first time since Edward Brooke served from 1967–1979. What’s this got to do with tax-law changes? A lot! Without making any political commentary, the facts are:

The Benchmark: Bonding Agents

March 21, 2012

REALITY’s Top Choices THE SET-UP REALITY has chosen to designate two separate categories to highlight: Total-Etch and Self-Etch. THE RESULTS | Total-Etch OptiBond FL, Kerr Corp. With a clinical heritage second to none, it is the safe choice for all but metal-based indirects.

No pain all gain

March 21, 2012

Dentistry used to be an ergonomic standing profession. Once practitioners took a seat, it became a pain in the neck…and back…and arms…and eyes… The general public often stereotypes a visit to the dentist as an uncomfortable experience. But patients don’t realize their dental practitioners all too often experience musculoskeletal pain that surpasses their discomfort during an oral exam. Worse yet, many professionals believe head, neck, shoulder and back pain are all part of the job.

5 reasons to buy: Enhanced patient care

March 21, 2012

1. The lasers’ flexible, ergonomic handpiece, unit-dose tips and procedure-specific programs provide dental professionals with the convenience they need in their busy practices. 2. Equipped with easy-to-use-technology, the battery operated Odyssey Navigator features an advanced design and a wireless foot pedal.

5 reasons to buy: Fast flowable base

March 21, 2012

1. Offers maximum flexibility by allowing users to cap the restorative with any methacrylate-based universal composite to provide esthetics and strength. 2. It delivers reduced polymerization stress (up to 60% less than previously available flowables) minimizing issues known to be associated with stress such as marginal integrity, post-op sensitivity, microleakage and secondary caries.

Putting on a show

March 21, 2012

THE SET-UP “Dr. Garry Bey describes the challenges of doing a live patient demonstration. His enthusiasm for endodontics and passion for his chosen instrumentation and obturation system are contagious." -Dr. Richard E. Mounce, team lead When I was asked if I would perform a root canal in front of a live audience at the 2009 Greater New York Dental Meeting (GNYDM), my first inclination was, “Wow, how exciting!”

Rethinking recession

March 21, 2012

THE SET-UP “Gingival recession is one of the most prevalent periodontal pathologies. In this article we examine the different contributing factors to be considered for an accurate diagnosis." -Dr. Peter O. Cabrera, team lead

The "hand-me-down" cycle

March 21, 2012

It’s just a matter of time really. Eventually everything in your practice will come due for update or replacement. But, whether you’re a tech junkie who goes for the latest gadgets, or someone who prefers to stick with a trusted and well-used tool, the equipment and technology in your practice can still have a useful life after you have found its replacement.

10 Questions: Basil Haymann, Founder, Chairman & CEO of D4D Technologies

March 21, 2012

01 As a serially successful entrepreneur, what advice on building prosperous businesses would you offer readers? You have to do what everyone is telling you is impossible. To do that, you have to look into the future and see the invisible. Once you have seen the invisible, you have to have unshakable belief in your own ability and that of your team to make the impossible possible.
