October 19, 2020
A quick visual technique guide for using Tokuyama Dental's Universal Bond System to place multiple crowns in the same seating appointment. The dentistry in this case is performed by Robert A. Lowe, DDS, FAGD, FICD, FADI, FACD.
October 15, 2020
GreenMark BioMedical founder and CEO Steven Bloembergen, Ph.D. explains the new LumiCare caries detection rinse which was named a 2020 Cellerant Best of Class Technology award winner.
An overview of Tokuyama Dental's single shade dental composite material OMNICHROMA which was named a 2020 Cellerant Best of Class Technology Award winner.
Dental Products Report Editorial Director speaks with HuFriedyGroup chief marketing officer Patrick Bernardi about how the company is keeping in touch with customers during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how practices can use the same strategies.
October 08, 2020
Brant Herman, CEO & Founder of MouthWatch explains the capabilities and uses of the TeleDent software platform which was named a 2020 Cellerant Best of Class Technology Award winner.
Dan Harkabi, CEO of SmartMirror Dental explains the vision behind his company's namesake product, a dental mirror with an integrated intraoral camera, among other features. The SmartMirror was named a 2020 Cellerant Best of Class Technology Award winner.
October 06, 2020
Vista-Apex chief dental officer Dr Michael Miyasaki provides an overview of the PinkWave curing light which was recognized as a 2020 Cellerant Best of Class Technology Award winning product.
Dental marketing expert and CEO of Doctor Distillery, Naomi Cooper joins Dental Products Report Managing Editor Stan Goff for a conversation about marketing dental practices during the coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19) pandemic.
September 23, 2020
A look at the EyeSpecial dental camera from Shofu. This unique camera designed specifically for use in a dental operatory recently was named a winner of the 2020 Cellerant Best of Class Technology Award.
A look at the CS 9600 2D/3D CBCT system from Carestream Dental. The extraoral imaging solution recently was named a winner of the 2020 Cellerant Best of Class Technology Award. Learn all about this imaging system's features from Carestream Dental Chief Dental Officer Ed Shellard, DMD.