Cosmetic Dentistry Practices: Become the best cosmetic dentist, Part 1, Issue 8

If you are looking to be the "the best cosmetic dentist" and learn how to avoid problems other cosmetic dentists encountered on their journey, you will enjoy reading this edition.

If you are looking to be the "the best cosmetic dentist" and learn how to avoid problems other cosmetic dentists encountered on their journey, you will enjoy reading this edition.

How can you achieve the goal of being the best cosmetic dentist? Start by staying current with state of the art procedures that enhance your patients’ smile with natural looking veneers - and whenever possible preserve as much of the patient’s healthy enamel as you can. That was our goal as far back as 1983 when I was teaching CE courses on how to reshape smiles using bonding and was asked to refine and pioneer one of the original porcelain veneer systems. 

Becoming the best cosmetic dentist also requires re-learning how to diagnose cosmetic dental needs. The prevailing thinking of some dentists has been “patient’s with interest in cosmetic dentistry already had it done”. That comment is very revealing. If you can relate to that statement it explains why other dentists are expanding their cosmetic practice and you are not.

To exemplify that point consider the following comment shared by the dentist in last months article after I consulted in her office:  “(previously) patients had not voiced their displeasure about their smile and I had not asked, assuming they were content”.  Think about the insight shared in that statement for a minute.  The lesson learned: Be pro-active and never assume you know what your patient’s want. 

Here’s what I did to change her attitude and solve her problem. You can accomplish many of the suggestions listed below and put together your own set of “action steps” if you prefer the DIY approach.

· First I taught her the 80% Rule – creating team involvement - reorganizing the message conveyed in her office to be more cosmetically focused – and shared the art and science of informing, educating and motivating patients about advances in cosmetic dentistry without ever selling.  She is a very bright and talented dentist and “got” what I was doing immediately.

· Next I demonstrated how her staff members still had veneers to be done. This generated excitement since that was not the prevailing thought.

· Following that I set up our Smile Consultant Program – which includes our Patient Advocacy System, Smile Enhancement Information Program, Power Education Series, Hidden Objection Detection System, Simplified 60 Second Smile Preview, Role-Playing System, Patient Qualification and Rating System and more.  See the articles listed below for suggestions on how to do the same.

· I then integrated the patient awareness (i.e., marketing) piece with our seamless cosmetic management program – combining consulting / coaching elements. The result:  A fully engaged, energized team excited to inform, educate and motivate patients.  When you do this it is essential that you develop a sense of mission – where your team members sincerely believe in the goal of your cosmetic program. 

· All of the above is typically completed by noon. That is a LOT of work to do in the morning session – and why it is called “Boot Camp”.  It is intense.

· After a brief lunch I shared our breakthrough technology on how to provide in-office veneers that transform problem teeth into a natural looking smile with ease.  Let’s face it, if it is not indicated or necessary – when you place in-office veneers do you really want to use layering, tints, opaquers, perform tooth reduction and still end up with a lot of finishing and polishing to do?  I prefer to place two to four in-office veneers in just one hour with no emergence profile issues with pre-determined results and a high polish that look natural and life-like.  That’s what LifeLike Veneers can do.

· See One – Do One – Teach One.  After showing how to do this technique I had the doctor do a Smile Preview procedure on her own team member – who was thrilled with the results and wanted the veneers done ASAP!  It is essential that you teach your team how a 60 Second Smile Preview is done.

· Finally I coached her as she went through the same series of exercises with several of her patients of record who had been pre-scheduled for the Boot Camp program.  If my system worked as predicted I knew she would see an instant demand for her cosmetic dental services.  In contrast to many conventional practice management systems that often take weeks or longer to obtain measurable results, “Cosmetic Dentistry Boot Camp” results are immediate and dramatic.  The pressure was on me but quite frankly I knew from pre-screening the doctor that she had what it would take.  You, too, may have what it takes if you dedicate yourself and implement these action steps.  Trust me, anyone can be taught to do this if they have an eager desire and want to excel at being the best cosmetic dentist that you can be in a general dental practice setting.  And it is incredibly rewarding to do.

Within the next two weeks she went from doing “no elective cosmetic veneers” in six months to treatment planning 52 non-invasive, affordable, natural looking LifeLike Veneers™.  Like many of you reading this article she thought that cosmetic interest from her patients had been tapped out.  Patients were not asking for veneers and quite frankly she did not have the keys to unlock the cosmetic potential in her practice on her own.  Boot Camp gave her those keys and to her delight she found out that she could actually take her cosmetic practice to the next level - using programs that never required any “selling”.  She was understandably very pleased - wouldn’t you be too? Financial speaking (simply do the math) very few investments inside or outside or dentistry can create such an instant return – while being so enjoyable and personally rewarding.  

In a past article on I also described a technique that essentially creates the template for guaranteeing the final outcome of in-office LifeLike Veneers™ prior to beginning the procedure.  As today’s economic climate causes more patients to hold-off on investing in porcelain veneers – knowing how to perform this technique is a key element for expanding your cosmetic dental practice. If you have not read that article it is listed below. I believe you will find it to be very helpful.

The take away from this article is the following: Today it is feasible for you to become the best cosmetic dentist you can be, expand your cosmetic dentistry practice and treatment plan up to 52 elective veneers too - but to do this you have to dedicate yourself and establish goals / action steps as I outlined above. You also need to have a TEAM that wants to accomplish the same objective, sincerely believe in your cosmetic skills and have an incredibly positive attitude.  What is stopping you? If I can be of any help to you in accomplishing that goal, please contact me at or call me at the phone number listed below. I will send you a self-assessment form to help us determine where your cosmetic practice needs help.  As always, if you want to have more fun while simplifying and achieving excellence with LifeLike Veneers™ - or learn how to implement our “no selling” approach for marketing / management of cosmetic dentistry I will be happy to pre-screen your practice and let you know if you might be a candidate for our ONE DAY Cosmetic Dentistry Boot Camp program – it is a selective program but it can be tailored to almost any practice – as long as you are a motivated person, strive for excellence and have a supportive team that wants to help expand your cosmetic practice.  I wish you the best in providing your patients with the smile they always dreamed of having.  You will appreciate their gratitude and enjoy seeing the increased self-confidence and positive impact it will have on their life.
