October 01, 2023
Cofounding dentists have developed a stent-based composite smile solution designed to be quick and affordable.
VOCO’s GrandioSO line of composites works to ensure a toothlike restoration using a tried-and-true formula that guarantees strength, longevity, and esthetically pleasing results.
September 29, 2023
Brian Wong, Vice President of Commercial Development at Theradaptive, explains why dentists and periodontists need better therapies to regenerate bone.
This week's Product Bites podcast features the new ProMate EZ-Q from Pac-Dent, Dynamic Duo from Buffalo Dental Manufacturing, ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP 3D LX from DEXIS, and NeoScan 2000 from the Neoss Group. [4 Minutes]
September 28, 2023
Company’s workflow and portfolio of dental products said to save time, streamline procedures, and deliver confident smiles to patients.
September 22, 2023
This week's Product Bites podcast features new launches from Align Technology, Neoss Group, Pac-Dent, Weave, Henry Schein One, Cocofloss, and AirPay. [7 Min]
September 18, 2023
We explore what clinicians should know about using bases and liners in their dental restorations.
September 14, 2023
New stability testing device was developed in collaboration with Osstell AB.
September 13, 2023
Through a generous contribution from Dr Apa, NYU College of Dentistry will create a fellowship program teaching the latest advances in esthetic dentistry.
September 12, 2023
Align has announced a slew of new products and technologies as well as the acquisition of 3D printing company Cubicure.