Tija Hunter, CDA, EFDA, CDIA, MADAA, is an expanded functions dental assistant/office manager in O'Fallon, Mo. She is the director of the Dental Careers Institute, member of the American Dental Assistants Association, where she holds a Master, an independent consultant specializing in team building, assistant training, and office organization. She can be reached at tijaefda@gmail.com.


Why the Orbiter curing light shield is something to consider

December 27, 2016

I’d love to introduce you to The Orbiter®! It is the first curing light eyeshield of its kind and stands apart from the rest for some amazing reasons! It rotates freely 360 degrees, which allows the clinician to adjust the filter into position "on the fly" while curing. It is also self-uprights, which brings the filter into your line of sight for most positions. These unique features make the curing process very efficient and saves time during the day.

Professionalism in the dental practice: Are you acting the part?

April 18, 2016

Being a professional and acting as such is timeless. The way we talk, how we speak, what we wear, how we conduct our social media pages… it’s all about looking and acting professional.

Some of the worst infection control mistakes we've heard ... and why 2016 is the year to stop making them

December 23, 2015

Dental assistants not only need more education, but often need to pass that education on to other team members who simply don't get the right way to do things.

Nitrous oxide: What dental assistants need to know

October 12, 2015

Nitrous oxide has been used in the dental setting for well more than 100 years, and it is commonplace in the dental office of today. States differ on what involvement the dental assistant will have in utilizing nitrous oxide.
