3M ESPE takes you inside a Lava Ultimate CAD/CAM block [VIDEO]

dlpmagazine.com-2013-12-01, Issue 12

This 3M ESPE video takes you inside a Lava Ultimate CAD/CAM block exploring how its unique resin nano ceramic material structure contributes to achieve a long lasting, enamel-like polish with ease.

This 3M ESPE video takes you inside a Lava Ultimate CAD/CAM block exploring how its unique resin nano ceramic material structure contributes to achieve a long lasting, enamel-like polish with ease.

According to 3M ESPE, a resin nano ceramic has an elastic modulus that's comparable to dentin-which is much lower than what brittle glass ceramic materials or PFM veneering porcelains provide.

This enables Lava Ultimate restorative to better absorb chewing forces and reduce stress to the restoration.